About This Project
This was a product guide for a packaging firm called Albiz Packaging. They wanted something that will stand out. So we started from the beginning. First we made the photoshooting, and after that we edited those photos and combined them with various backgrounds. After we started the actual catalog desing, we also wrote the contents of those products as there were no information about them before. We also drew icons about product's features so that the readers could understand them better. At the end, it came out as a 73 page catalog.

Photo Shooting
We made the photo shooting of 82 products through the process in a studio. Each product's photo was taken individually.

Editing Process
After the product shoots, every product's background was removed carefully at first. We used some of the products with white background and also replaced most of their background with a new one so that they could stand out better and look premium. We combined backgrounds and products after that because we needed to shorten the process. We replaced 45 of the products background with a new one and used white background for the rest of them. Those backgrounds and products lightnings, shadows, colours, etc. were edited carefully so that they could look like they belonged here. We paid attention to their original look and preserved it.

Content Writing
We searched information every product individually about what were their most important features and how we could describe them better than others, and we combined those information with the information that we got from the firm. Then we wrote a template for contents. We gave those templates to Barley Agency so that they could write a consistent content for the catalog.

Design Style
We wanted the products to pop out. So we didn't filled pages with unnecessary informations. We kept the writings apart from products and used a font that could be easily readable.

While searching for features of the products, we took notes about their most important features. After we done our researching we looked for matching features of the products and then we drew icons for those features to explain them better throughout the catalog. We also explained those icons for readers on a seperate page design.

We designed an animation for the catalog to introduct it to followers on the social media. We used photos we took before and pages of the catalog for the animation. Also we designed an animation for the firm's logo too, to show it the best way at the end of the animation
Some Of The Other Pages